Sacred Transformation: Your Path to Authentic Living

Transform Your Life

Are you experiencing a major life transition and feeling lost, overwhelmed, or stuck? The Transition to Transformation program is designed to guide you through these challenging times with soulful support and practical strategies. Whether you're facing a career change, the end of a relationship, or undergoing a profound personal shift, this program provides the clarity and tools needed to navigate your journey. Together, we'll uncover obstacles, develop transformative strategies, and help you align with your true, authentic self. Step into your new identity with confidence and create a fulfilling life that resonates with your deepest purpose.

  • Feeling Lost and Uncertain: If you're questioning your identity and purpose, this session will help you gain clarity on your true desires and the path forward.

  • Overwhelmed by Life Changes: Whether it's a career shift, the end of a relationship, or a personal transformation, our session provides the support and guidance needed to navigate these overwhelming changes with confidence.

  • Struggling with Obstacles: If you feel stuck or unable to move past certain barriers, we'll work together to uncover and address these obstacles, paving the way for your growth and transformation.

  • Desiring Authentic Alignment: For those yearning to live a life that resonates with their true self, this program offers the tools and support to embrace change, align with your new identity, and create a fulfilling, authentic life.

You Can Expect To …

Illuminate Your Path

In this initial phase, we’ll dive deep to understand your current journey and envision where you want to go.

  • We’ll take a snapshot of where you are now, who you are at this moment, and what you aspire to become.

  • We’ll also explore your feelings about this transition, uncover what’s making it challenging, and help you craft a vision of the life you desire.

Embrace and Release

This phase is all about letting go of old patterns and beliefs that are keeping you from embracing your true identity.

  • We'll explore your fears, uncover what you're avoiding, and understand what may be asking to be released to move forward.

  • We'll also identify and work through any limiting beliefs that are stopping you from becoming the person you aspire to be.

Embody & Integrate

In this step, I’ll help you elevate your mindset and transform the stories you're telling yourself about this transition.

  • Nurture self-talk and craft new beliefs that align with your desired identity.

  • You’ll also learn how to embody your new self by creating fresh habits and setting meaningful goals, making your desired identity a natural part of who you are.

Flow Into Action

In this final step, we’ll craft a soulful action plan to help you realize your dreams.

  • As you embrace your new self, we'll pinpoint the actions you can take to reach your goals.

  • We’ll explore the exciting possibilities and support you in following through with the steps needed to bring your desired identity to life. You’ll begin to weave new ways of being and doing into your daily rhythm.

Sacred Transformation: Your Path to Authentic Living

Three or six month, private container.

Are you navigating a major life transition and feeling lost, overwhelmed, or stuck? Whether it's changing careers, ending a relationship, or undergoing a profound personal transformation, the Transition to Transformation package can provide the support you need.

During this session, we'll work together to clarify your desired outcome, identify the obstacles holding you back, and develop effective strategies to overcome them. You'll also receive daily support via Slack for follow-up questions, transformation strategies curated in partnership together, and additional guidance as you move through this transformative period.

By the end of our time together, you'll feel empowered, confident, and aligned with your Self. You'll have the tools and support necessary to navigate this period and create a fulfilling life that truly resonates with your authentic Self.

What’s Included:

  • (12 or 24) 75 minute 1:1 live coaching sessions

  • Daily support via private Slack messages

  • Customized action plans and accountability

  • Personalized tools and resources

Ready to Get Started?


Please fill in the application, this will be the best way for me to understand if I can help you or if we are a good match to work together. Once you apply, I will reach out to schedule a free discovery call, where we decide if we want to move forward together.

In Take Form

Once we decide to move forward, I will send you an intake form to get a comprehensive idea of what is present for you, which will help inform the roadmap of our work together. We will then schedule our first session to kick things off!